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Celebrating Halloween in Itaewon, Je (Im Hwa Young) never suspected that her night of revelry would end in terror. But when she finds herself alone in a bar, just before closing, that’s exactly what happens. Irritated by the bartender’s incessant and obnoxious attempts to flirt, Je was ready to call it a night when a man appeared at the door, asking for help for the brother slung across his back. Reluctant to help, Je opens the door for the brothers but once inside, things go terribly wrong. Malicious in their intent, the distressed brothers had planned to simply rob the place, but when things go sideways, the barkeep ends up dead. Not knowing what to do, the younger brother begins to panic, while the older, Kang Tae (Nam Yeon Woo) calls for help. Arriving on the scene, Kang Tae’s acquaintance, Sen, assesses the situation but rather than help, opts to keep his distance. Only after threats of blackmail and promises too tempting to resist does Sen agree to help; but he absolutely refuses to deal with this mess alone. Calling in Baek Gu (Park Se Jun), a man who knows how to get things done, the culprits and their accomplices get to work, though their egos often get in the way. As the balance of power shifts with each new arrival, the five villainous souls trapped inside this otherwise empty bar find themselves embroiled in a night of ceaseless doubt, constant betrayal, and brutal violence. Will any of them find a way to get out of this mess unscathed? A bloody whirlwind of horror and satire, “Fanfare” is a 2020 crime thriller film directed by Lee Don Ku.