

Yang Lu Chan (Yuan Xiao Chao) is a bumbling wanderer with a strange affliction that once threatened his life. In order to solve the problem, he traveled to a small village full of martial artists in an attempt to learn their secret form of kung fu. They initially refused as they have promised never to teach an outsider. But after he helped them fight off Fang Zi Jing (Eddie Peng) and his wicked plans to build a railway through their village, the residents decided to take him in – provided he married Chen Yu Niang (Angelababy). Regardless, the villagers still consider Yang Lu Chan to be something of a buffoon – particularly Chen Yu Niang, who insists that he call her “master!” But when Fang Zi Jing returns with a powerful military force, replete with heavily armed soldiers, a flying machine, and cannons backing him up, the village is once again under threat. The villagers realize that they need heroes to step up to the plate and fight back...or risk seeing their settlement wiped off the map forever. Do Yang Lu Chan and his master/wife Chen Yu Niang have what it takes to thwart this wicked scheme? This film is the sequel to “Tai Chi Zero,” which featured many of the same characters and actors and was released in 2012. “Tai Chi Hero” is a 2012 Chinese movie that was directed by Stephen Fung.