Detective Vs. Sleuths

Detective Vs. Sleuths
Detective Vs. Sleuths


Lee Jun (Sean Lau)’s mental breakdown forced him out of his post as police chief inspector – but he must now return to solve a baffling series of vigilante killings by a group called the “Sleuths.” He teams up with senior inspector Chan Yee (Charlene Choi) in his bid to thwart the killers, who claim to be serving the justice the police have failed to mete out. But Lee Jun’s mental state is still precarious; his mind is full of hallucinations of conversations with past and future victims. Will these visions hinder – or help – him and Chan Yee as they step up their hunt for the killers? “Detective Vs. Sleuths” is a 2022 Chinese movie that was directed by Wai Ka Fai.